Data visualization
Makie.jl and its backends, with emphasis on CairoMakie.jl (vector drawing) and RPRMakie.jl (raytracing).
GeoMakie.jl, a package which enables easy visualization for geographic plots. I was the primary author of this package.
MakieSlides.jl, an engine to write and render interactive presentations using Makie.jl. Contributed to this library (written primarily by Florian Atteneder).
Polylabel.jl, a port of a JavaScript library which finds the optimal point to label a polygon. This was written to be as generic as possible, and works with any arbitrary GeoInterface.jl geometry.
Scientific computing
RecurrenceAnalysis.jl, a library in the JuliaDynamics organization
in which I parallelized code which calculates
ReactGPT.jl, a toy implementation of the ReAct framework for ChatGPT, using OpenAI's API, before OpenAI plugins came out. It was an interesting learning experience for prompt engineering and how to take advantage of large language models.